Stewards of American Fisheries. United to Feed the Nation.


Seafood Harvesters of America proudly represents fishermen from coast to coast. Our members longline for black cod and halibut in the Gulf of Alaska, and tuna in the Western Pacific, fish for pollock in the Bering Sea on catcher vessels, trawl for West Coast groundfish, use hook and line for grouper and snapper in the Gulf of America and South Atlantic, and trawl and gillnet for groundfish, dogfish, and skates in New England waters.

While our members represent a wide variety of fisheries, gear types, and water, we have a strong, shared belief in a vibrant future for the commercial fishing industry. Our work centers on the goal to supply fresh, responsibly-harvested seafood for our fellow Americans for generations to come.

We are the leading national commercial fishing association representing the industry's interests in Washington, D.C. We advocate for policies that help fishing businesses, families, and communities, as well as the sustainability of our marine resources. 


Harvesters members have a voice in the future of their fisheries.

Interested in becoming a member of Seafood Harvesters of America?




Learn About Our Members

We’re proud to represent businesses and organizations that stand behind and advocate for the future of the commercial fishing industry. We could not do our work without those who share our passion for the sea and for fresh seafood. 

Thank you for your support!


Member Organizations

You can learn more about each of our member organizations by clicking on their logo below.

Want to share your story?

We always enjoy highlighting the great work happening throughout the commercial fishing industry. If you or your organization would like to be highlighted on our social channels and in our newsletter, please submit your story by email to